Are you tired of staring at a full closet and feeling like you have nothing to wear? Let's change that and transform that closet into a curated collection of outfits that reflect YOU. My mission as Your Color & Style & Coach is clear:

Guiding you to Your best self and to help you look and feel Your very best, every day.

The secret?

STOP Shopping! Understand Your Colors first.

You will learn to embrace the shades that complement your palette to radiate vibrance, youthfulness, and self-assuredness.

Ready for a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and style enhancement? Let's explore fashion that truly suits you and create a wardrobe that resonates with your inner essence, ensuring enduring style.

Luxury isn’t something you can buy: Discover the Luxury of Expressing Your Personal Style.

After discovering Your Colors you will feel more confident, authentic & attractive, and gain greater approval and presence.


Investing in Your Color Analysis pays off because your color type will accompany you throughout your life, regardless of sun tan. Life becomes easier, and you will save time, money, and effort, building a top-notch wardrobe that perfectly matches your type, lifestyle needs, and budget.



Here's what we’ll achieve together - in just 5 easy steps:

  1. Discover Your Best Colors

  2. Define Your Personality Style

  3. Embrace Your Body Type

  4. Streamline & Organize Your Wardrobe, Create New Combinations

  5. Become a Savvy Shopper & never buy a wrong piece again

My passion is to teach you the art of wearing the colors, lines, prints, textures, and fabrics that highlight your natural beauty, helping you create a confident, authentic, and lasting image.

All of this is possible through a personal consultation session, an online analysis, or —anytime, anywhere — through my online seminars.


Online Course 01

Transform Your Look Now! Join this online class: “Look Your Very Best – Learn about Color, Style & Fashion”. In just 2.5 hours, discover the secrets to:

  • Find your perfect color season

  • Develop a unique personal style

  • Look younger, healthier, and slimmer with your best colors

  • Master lines, prints, textures, fabrics, and accessories

  • Fine-tune your personal and professional style

  • Make a lasting impression for success.
    Don't miss out – enroll today!"
    With lifetime access, watch at any time.

Online Course 02

STOP SHOPPING – Watch this online class first. “Simplify Your Wardrobe – A Color Analysis Approach”. Join me on a journey to a simplified, stylish, and more organized wardrobe. Every day can be a 'good outfit day':

  • Organize Your Closet in 5 Easy Steps.

  • Maximize Wearability: Say goodbye to that 20% rule!

  • Personal Color Analysis: Discover your unique Color Season.

  • The Power of Selectivity: Fewer, quality pieces, more stylish combos.

  • Create Your Look-Book: Your closet at your fingertips, for styling & shopping.

  • Beyond The Closet: Prioritize essentials in life, not just your wardrobe.
    With lifetime access, watch at any time.


As a Designer with a strong background in Fashion, Textile & Interior Design, and over 25 years of design experience, I have had the privilege of guiding countless individuals in the US and Europe.

My work has helped them redefine their styles, declutter their wardrobes, and simplify their lives. As a Marketing & Design Professional, I’ve collaborated with companies on both continents, always emphasizing the power of authenticity.

Whether it's delivering high-quality Graphic Designs that truly represent you, offering personalized Color & Style advice, or creating inspiring Interior Design Ideas – My clients find their most beautiful expression with me. Let's find YOUR most beautiful form together!

  • “After meeting with Astrid, I feel better about my clothing and accessories! With her advice, I had a better idea of how to maximize my existing wardrobe and learned how to be a better shopper. Learning about which colors work for me made me feel great! I highly recommend Astrid to anyone who wants a personal approach to living well, feeling good and looking their best!“

    GEN - CA

  • This course presents learning about your personal color and style in a fun and engaging way. Astrid really highlights the positive sides to all skin tones and body types. The Personality Style quiz really will help me focus my efforts the next time I go shopping. Wonderful for all ages!!


  • Thanks to this fun, informative, and inspiring course, I now know my seasonal type, as well as my personality style and which clothes are best for my body type. Thanks, Astrid. Shopping will never be the same again!